Church Can Still Be Cool

an encounter
January 27, 2010, 11:27 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Last night we had a prayer gathering at my church, River City Community Church in San Antonio.  We have, as a congregation, decided that it was time to really press in and set ourselves about listening to the Lord.  Not that we haven’t been over the past number of years, but we felt it was time to say that if necessary, everything else would stop and we would just seek His face and hear His voice and follow His leading.  Period.

So, last night we got together with no agenda other than to worship and listen.  I am about to make a statement that I have never made before, and so I hope that I communicate well, but about half way through the evening, you could feel His presence in the room. It was amazing.  And from that moment on, through our prayers and worship, we noticed a consistent theme arising.  It became clear that the Lord was speaking.  And it was awesome.  Person after person spoke of coming in burdened, but leaving with a sense of purpose and healing.  Life change happened in our midst, and it was mind blowing to watch it.

Since that meeting, I have been processing through what made last night different, and I can only come up with one thing, so I offer it up to you for discussion.  Could it be that the difference was in our focus?  Last night, we got beyond the music, beyond the noise, beyond the crowd, and we just waited on Him.  Is it possible that there are times when we, with the best of intentions, get wrapped up in the programming of a church service or the vibe in a room, and so we miss Christ?  I am reminded of the story of Elijah when he needed to hear from the Lord.  he went to the mouth of the cave and waited.  There was the great wind, the mighty earth quake, and the consuming fire, but God wasn’t in those things.  Instead, Elijah found God in the sound of a gentle whisper.  It wasn’t until Elijah got past the noise, the mood, the emotion that he found the almighty.  Seems like God has been on to this secret for years.

So, what is the noise for you?  What is it that is keeping you from hearing from God?  What are the distractions, even those that appear good, that are keeping you from the best?  The truth is, that gentle whisper is calling to all of us.  The only variable is whether or not we are quiet enough to hear it.

Is his presence worth the work of silencing the noise?

5 Comments so far
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Amazing. It would be nice to have more of those moments, by more people, in more places

Comment by Chris

its true aaron! we so often get caught up in trying to set a mood for worship or the service but the fact of the matter is we dont set the mood God does. we only provide a place to come together but the rest is up to God and our ability to listen. i dont think that God has ever not been there but i think he is always there communicating to us but indeed we expect it to be a sertain way we expect to have some crazy experience and maybe you will but God is no different today than he was last night or how he will be tomorrow. i love recognizing these things but for some reason i cant seem to do this ether so thanks for reminding me! and river city…Bring down the walls!

Comment by Shane

I love your summary and perspective on the amazing night last night. I think it could even be woundedness, or a stronghold in our life, like rejection or inferiority that keeps us from being able to hear from God. But one thing I came away understanding is that we are alllll in this together, and it seems we all have similar brokenness, even if it is for different reasons in each of us. . .ok. . .I better shut up or go write my own blog, huh? 🙂 Great Post, Aaron!

Comment by Sandy Powers

For me, going into last night, I just had this… expectancy. I really EXPECTED to HEAR from God. Sadly, I don’t know that that is always the case. I get so consumed by the “what’s next” or whatever it is that I’ve wrapped myself up in that I don’t really think to stop and LISTEN for God (i.e. shut my mouth).

Comment by Breanna

Love your perspective Aaron. This verse came to me towards the end of the service:
“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41-42
That is my struggle…battling through the noise and choosing the ONE thing…the Better thing…the only thing that will not be taken away from me. I was so grateful for the intentional time of prayer and worship last night…really looking forward to seeing all that the Lord is going to do at RCCC. He is so good.

Comment by jennreb

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